Enter A Relationship
"If you can't accept me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best."
Interesting quote...
Socratic Teaching
For Socrates, perhaps the highest virtue can be summed up in the phrase, "Know thyself." In other words, of all the things in the phenomenal world, there is not one so important as yourself. To know yourself means to be aware of what it is that makes you who you are. And in this respect, the one thing which reveals this knowledge is history. But people do not live alone, they live in society. And it is in society that the individual comes into contact with other individuals, all of whom are on the same quest, in varying degrees. So, for Socrates, knowledge of self does not hinge upon reflection or introspection, but conversation, hence the Socratic dialogue.
In that thought, life is a on-going journey that we all take on alone or along with friends and family. We search meaning in what we do and with the people we have or had relationships with. Everyone will always ask the rhetorical question, what is my purpose in this life?
I'm always searching my purpose, my meaning in life and who I truly am...
Today @ 25

In Limbo...
The month of November has been odd. Family and work has been frustrating. Love is none existent. Crushes are there which causes confusion as always. I only say that because of the consequences that could happen. Friends are wonderful and annoying. Haha...
What else...?
Oh, I'm turning 25 in 6 days.
Big changes have happened in my life but why do I still feel like I haven't made that much accomplishment?...
More Reunions
I met up with a good from whom I haven't seen in over a year. She's one of the few girls I love to talk to because I can be myself and not have to watch what I say. Besides, she's one of the few that taught me that dirty jokes are a good thing and among other dirty things. Hehe... I have admired this girl from the moment we met at work, because she always seemed like she had the qualities I look to become for myself. She comes off very confident, witty and incredibly funny. And not to mention she is a good looking girl. But underneath all that, life isn't as perfect as I thought it would be for her. I won't get into details to respect her privacy. I just hope things work out for her.
But spending time with Jose today brought some good memories of the past when we did work together or hang out outside work. We also have a reunion to go this coming Saturday with the rest of the Loomis gang. I haven't seen some of the people for a couple of years now so this will be a very joyous event. The reuinion will be filled of laughter, jokes and more tears of laughter. Haha...
Shake You
You find the most genuine from the most unexpected.
I care. But I might stop if you keep being so distant.
~ Sara Angela
I Blame It On The Rain!
I didn't get to see the newly renovated AGO nor did I get to purchase movies. The only thing that worked out were spending time with my UTM friend, seeing a free magic show (awesome!) and a UFC fight which I didn't anticipate to happen, but it did.
Also, I forgot to mention that I did donate blood for the first time in my life just this past Wednesday. I went with D because it's something he had done before. And of course, it's a for a good cause and I should really do more for this planet before I die. Initially I was nervous about it because of what my mother had warned me with. Basically, one of her co-workers went to donate blood and when she came back for work she fainted. But thankfully, everything went smoothly with my donation process. I got to relax on a huge lazy-boy chair, drank orange juice and ate a stale cookie. Unfortunately for D this was his idea to go and I just wanted to tag along to experience it. He was more excited about it than I was, but to his disappointment he was denied to donate his own blood. Only because there is a rule to donating blood, and it's that if you have left the North American soil you cannot donate for at least 12 months. D went back to India last December, hence being denied to donate blood until January 2009. The oddest part of that whole experience was when the nurse made me hold the bag of blood I donated. It was still warm and that was mainly what creeped me out. This may indeed be something I will do annually from now on. I also cannot wait to find out what my blood type is when I received my blood donor card from the mail.
This whole week has been odd but in a good way...
The Rebirth of the AGO

That's right, after three-long years of reconstruction, the day has finally arrived for the rebirth of the AGO. Today at 4 p.m. is the official public opening and will be open for free admissions for the remaining weekend.
Some things that I'm excited to see are the large window facade facing the street where the experience with art is created with the dynamic relationship with the street. When pedestrians are walking by the gallery they can see the people inside viewing the artworks. Simultaneously, the gallery viewers can see the pedestrians watching them. Frank Gehry definitely created the civic space that artists would be proud to share with the public.
My inner art-nerdiness is jumping for joy! Hahaha...
Heartless from kwest on Vimeo.
Kanye West - Heartless
I need to back off and focus on what is important; finding a full-time teaching job.
I've been pondering about some things and I really need to get my act together. I have a new car now which is the tool that will get me to places (literally). But now, it's only up to ME to get me there.
No more excuses! I know there is a job for me out there.
Things can only go up...
An Instant of Frozen Time
It says I wrote it on January 19, 2000 and will open it on December 10, 2008. In about one month I will find out who I wanted to become and what I have attained so far...
Change In The Air
Congratulations to Barrack Obama, the 44th American President and the very first Black president. Such a defining moment and I was fortunate to witness it in my time. I only look forward to good changes you bring to your nation and to the world.
Will.I.Am - Yes We Can
Nov. 4th, 2008 in Chicago, IL
Zoom Zoom Zoom!
He's beautiful in every shape and form.
I'll miss my old '91 Dodge Shadow for the road trips I did from Windsor to home and vice-versa. After years of driving that car, it made me appreciate how lucky I was to have a running car. But HELLOOOO Mazda 3!!! :D
Random Message
Mac: "you suck"
Mac: "Whoops, wrong person."
What the hell was that?!?
No apologies?!
And I wasn't even online!
I showed that message to my mom because I trust her. She got more worried than I anticipated which rubbed off on me now.
Then I saw his picture on a facebook friend's page and it just made my heart drop for some reason. This time it's a different type of feeling. Before, I was elated to see his face but after that random message, fear is attached now.
I know it's nothing to worry about, but you never know. I know his family's history and it scares me if it has passed on to him as well...
Are You Enjoying Your 20s?
What's The Solution? Puppies!
"Yea you, you got that something...I think you'll understand."
Have you gotten over me so quickly?
I thought I have of you, but something struck me when I saw that line.
Or was that just for me like you used to do?
15 Years!!!
It has been great living here in Canada, minus the cold and harsh winter weather. My awkward years were developed in this country. I sometimes wonder how my life and my family's life would have been different if we did stay back in the Philippines.
I know one thing's for sure, my weight would have been less heavy. Haha...
Are Guys Just As Vain As Girls?
I was at a bar with some friends to celebrate D's new job position.
I headed my way to the bathroom to fix myself up and as I was applying my hot pink lip gloss on, this girl turns to me and says "It's funny how women can fix themselves up in the bathroom and not be phased by it because all of us do it. We women have this understanding. If guys did the same thing, they would get weird looks from each other." And all I could say was "Yeah, I guess guys are more straight-forward." I really didn't know where I was going with that comment, but I was just caught off guard with the girl's comment.
I should have asked my guys about this though:
Are guys comfortable fixing themselves in public bathrooms? Or is that just done privately?
Double Dose of Dereon
"If you like it then you should put a ring on it." Haha...
Then a break-up song...
I'm liking the black-and-white theme Beyonce had going in her two videos.
Apparently the song "If I Were A Boy" was ripped off from this other female artist named BC Jean. I actually like her version of the song much better than Knowles'.
Here are a few non-deal-breakers of mine:
- Good fashion sense - Seeing a guy in a well thought out outfit, even if it looks effortless is a turn-on. Besides, he would be a good person to ask for some fashion advice, without making him feel gay-ish. Haha...
- A great laugh - Oddly enough, there's something sexy about a genuine or even a silly (but not weird) laugh. If you laugh at my bad jokes then maybe there's hope for that guy and I. Heh.
- Enjoys dancing - I like to dance so he needs to dance with me. I like to watch guys letting their confidence just ooze out on the dance floor. I find that sexy and entertaining.
I can also add the superficial things like nice eyes, knee-weakening smile and the almost buzzed-cut hair. There's nothing sexier than a clean-shaven man. Mmm-mmm... But of course, I like 'em scruffy on occasions as well. ;)
What are some of your deal-breakers?
Canadian Elections 2008

Love Lockdown Video
Kanye West - Love Lockdown
I'm hypnotized with the drum beats and lyrics.
Inspirational Quote of the Day
A Moment Of Weirdness
Can you imagine when I turn 30? 40?! 50?!?
How did I let this get out of hand?!
As I was packing today to head back home from London, Ontario, I noticed something really disturbing with my wardrobe collection. My clothes consisted mostly of the colour black. In a way, as I have said in the previous post, I am stuck in a rut and it is clearly showing with my wardrobe. This is really worrying me because I feel like I am not myself anymore and it is showing with the way I am dressing as well. I thoroughly enjoy watching any type of makeover shows, such as TLC's What Not To Wear. Before the big reveal of change, the people that get their makeovers done talk about or will be revealed in some form of how they got to where they are at. And some of them, you can clearly see along the way that they had lost their sense of self. Their confidence had faded and so they stopped caring of how they looked. I don't want that to happen to me...but it seems to be creeping up behind me.
I have lost passion for the things I used to obsess over.
Even my behaviour has been very disappointing lately, especially last night. This is not how I want to handle with whatever I am dealing with. I need to create a healthier outlet than what I have been doing lately.
I do think this is a great opportunity for me to start fresh and find myself once again. This could also help me refresh my love and passion for art. Which means, visiting galleries (I have a couple in mind already), reading and creating something artistic again instead of being glued to the computer all day. I should also read more books like I used to! I should spend time with old friends that I have not seen in a while. Lastly, become more physically active like I used to. There are so much things out there, and it felt like I have shut the door from everything that was familiar to me.
I know I will be fine and it's just a detour from what I have had planned. I always bounce back from any problems and learn from it. I will be shiny and sparkly once again. You just wait! Haha...
Hello Change!

I will still use a certain person(s) to inspire my weight loss, but mainly it should be about what I need to do for myself - health wise that is. I have been in a rut within the last year or so and my goal is to get out of it.
Here's to healthy living!
P.S. I guess I should start looking at vegetables in that sense. Mmmm...veggies. Rawr! Haha...
Can I Trust My Dreams?
Sometimes my dreams are just plain outrageous. I had a few that were just ridiculous but enough to get me all curious if it were to happen. Such as, making out with a friend and making out with my ex-boyfriend. This took place in two to three separate dreams.
I'm intrigued...
What are my dreams telling me? Or is this just a figment of my imagination? Probably.
Goodbye September and hello October...
Change of Air
I feel like there will be changes to come for me but I don't know how much will happen, but that's enough to move on.
My weekend consisted of:
Friday: went to Jack's Backyard with two of my close guy friends
Saturday: Celine Dion concert with mom and saw one local celebrity (pictures to come soon)
Sunday: church and becoming a mall rat with D
New Voice
No more whining, no more moping and no more wondering "what ifs".
I will attempt to change my attitude, and become the confident woman I should be!
I'll grab life by its balls. Hahaha...
More Pondering When I Am Alone
Has it even crossed his mind I can be more than just a friend?
Again, I spend too much time and energy on "love" and not on what's really needed to be worked on.
Busy Bee!
It's all up to God, I guess. I always leave it up to Him.
I'll just enjoy life as it is right now and see where it goes.
Man, I need a steady job before I explode!
Should Have Considered Teaching Night School
It feels good to be finally getting the calls for supply teaching. But I chose the wrong profession to wake up so early and be expected to entertain adolescents who half-care of what they are doing in school. I guess that's why we get paid so much to do such a challenging job. Oh boy!
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy teaching and being in school. Haha...my inner nerd is finally being used to its full potential.
I think today, I'm going for a haircut. I have some ideas, but nothing of a major change but enough to feel good with the cut. We shall see!...
Morning Rush!
It wasn't my fault though. The board called 15 mins. before the school started, so I had to scramble and find the school's number to notify them that I am on my way but will be a little late. They were understanding and all went well. The day consisted of me babysitting students from Gr. 9s to 12. I instructed them of what their teacher listed in their lesson plan and I just regurgitate that. Some attitudes were exchanged from students, but of course the job comes with the territory. There were good students as well. But overall, it was a good learning experience. I am looking forward to seeing more different classes and schools. And I need to develop a thicker skin dealing with these kids. Tsk tsk...
On another note, I got a letter from 'Mac' (we'll call him that from now on which I must remember to alter his name in another post). *Note to self edit previous post* I was surprised that he would write to me considering of how our last conversation was. He was very angry and negative. But as a good friend and ex-girlfriend, I tried to be understanding. I think he just needs to be with people to distract him from his problems. So that means I will have to take him out with my friends. I'm not doing him a favour, more like I'd like to show him that I am still there for him not as his girlfriend, but as a friend.
It Runs In The Family

Both my parents are very strong-willed people, so does that mean I'll end up with someone just as stubborn as I am? Haha...We shall see in about 5 or so years?
Do Nice Girls Finish Last...Too?
I just find that with today's society, it seems girls are expected to be more aggressive towards dating and whatnot. And I have seen it and some work and some just doesn't. Call me old fashioned, but I still prefer the guy chasing the girl. I am aware this game doesn't always go into play properly because Girl Next Door could be completely oblivious or is just not interested in the guy. As for Mr. Nice Guy, he could just be shy and doesn't know how to get the girl's attention. I tried talking to guys through friends but really had no luck with going for the guy because I was too shy to really put myself out there. I tried to flirt but I think my approach is too subtle to get across that I am flirting. I seem to always revert back to my high school self and freak out when I don't know what to do with my crush being in the same room. Maybe that's why I went for online dating? It was easier for me to flirt via text because there were no physical contact at risk. Don't get me wrong, I love the physical contact. I'm the touchy-feely type of person. But I don't think I ever use that at the right time. The online dating did get me a relationship for over a year, but that's another story. (You can refer to a couple of earlier posts regarding that relationship).
So my point is, with my shyness and lack of real dating skills, what does a "nice girl" have to do to get a guy's attention? I've tried striking a conversation with someone that I find interesting, and I can dance, so if anyone asks me to dance that won't be a problem. The only thing I will never do is a one-night stand. I may joke about sexual things but sex is still sacred between partners who are in love. I have this pamphlet that I got from church that explains why everyone should wait to have sex before marriage, so I'm covered with that topic, thanks. But do I still need to wait for Prince-Charming to step in a club/bar, house party, work, and/or down the street to sweep me off my feet? Or do I just look at what's under my nose all this time?
Is it worse for nice guys just as it is for girls when it comes to finding a potential mate?
Maybe to answer my confusion is to just say what I think. As the saying goes, honesty is the best policy. But I don't take rejections really well and I'm sure the average person doesn't either. I usually do the rejecting which is easy, but not the other way around.
I don't even know why I'm already thinking about this. What's the etiquette after a break-up? How soon are you allowed to date? (This may be another topic of discussion.)
You tell me (boys or girls)...maybe you have better ways of attracting the opposite sex. Do you have rules that you go by? Give me some pointers. I'm happy to hear them from you reader(s).
The Little Prince
Timing Is Everything
If I could take pointers from one of the characters, it would be Silver. She's unique and direct with people. She can speak her mind and almost get what she wants. I quite enjoyed her coyness towards Dixon. I can't do that to a guy but I could take pointers from her.
As for Annie and Ethan. It is very similar to what Marissa and Ryan (from the O.C.) had going for. They could never be together for longer than two episodes (I don't know how long that is in the t.v. world) without some drama to tear them apart. And look what happened in Season three?! But that's more drama with the actor than with the characters they played.
My question is, would timing be everything to a relationship between friends? We don't necessarily know if Annie and Ethan ever dated two years before they ran into 90210, but they certainly have that chemistry that we all want with someone we're attracted to. Ethan has a history with Naomi and she's in need of a friend with her current situation at home. Annie is just confused because Ty was being a jerk and Ethan is being wishy-washy with his intentions towards her. But this is a t.v. show, I am over analyzing it because I have no life right now. Or I am just questioning my own mini drama which is really not even a drama. But it certainly makes life interesting, right?
We'll just have to see...for what will happen with Annie and Ethan of course! :P
What he says is true...
11 Years Later
It was actually nice to see one of the staff from that school because I did enjoy my time at St. Francis. I don't exactly keep in touch with any of the kids from that school anymore, aside from Facebook. This might be a good sign for me because his wife is the current principal of one of the schools in Clarkson. He was telling me that she had to conduct 68 interviews for a job position in her school. I did apply for that position but with the teaching positions being sparse right now, everyone is fighting for it. Mr. Hughes was nice enough to offer of updating me in terms of teaching positions. Connections are GOLD!
Antivirus XP 2008
So as any clueless user would do, I researched on how to remove this Antivirus XP 2008. I learned that it is a Trojan Virus that creeps up into your computer by attaching itself through other files such e-mail attachments, peer-to-peer, and other file sharing methods. There were numerous methods of removing the virus by either doing it manually (only do this if you know your computer inside and out) or using some spyware program that's for free. I used a program called Malawarebytes (free download at http://www.download.com/) and this will save your computer. I just did it a few minutes ago and my computer is back to normal (I hope).
I can't say stop downloading files from websites or opening e-mail attachments because sometimes you may think it is safe, but really it's not. So the lesson for today is: protect, do your research AND always back-up your computer. Take care of your computers!
(Why did that sound like a paid advertisement? lol)
It's late and I just wanted to sleep...so I will now. G'night!
1) What is the most important thing in your life?
People that I love and who keeps me sane.
2) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
I bought two bottled waters from Timmies. I'm a big spender! Yeah!
3) Where do you wish to get married?
I was just thinking about that earlier today. (Why? I do not know) I still don't know what exactly I want but I do certainly want a church included in there but not sure where.
4) How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
What a question...lol. I guess when we decide to get married?
5) Are you in love?
I was...
6) Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
Pho Mi with the family.
7) Name the latest book that you bought?
Math Doesn't Suck by Danica McKellar (She played as Winnie Cooper from The Wonder Years)
8) What is your full name?
9) Do you prefer your mother or father?
I love them both but I can talk to my mother more comfortably.
10) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.
My Grandfather - Mom's side
11) Christina or Britney?
I still have hope for Britney.
12) Do you do your own laundry?
13) The most exciting place you want to go?
Europe and Australia...It's a tie for me right now.
14) Hugs or kisses?
Those Hershey Chocolates do taste good. ;P
15) 8 things I am passionate about:
1. Teaching
2. Fashion
3. Art
4. Dancing
5. Making a change
6. Taking pictures
7. A successful career
8. Being happy in any situation I am in
16) 8 things I say too often:
1. That's cute!
2. That's crazy!
3. Really?
4. Sorry!
5. Thank you!
6. Awwww...
7. Okay...
8. *LOLing*
17) 8 books I've read recently:
1. Math Doesn't Suck
2. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows
3. Maximize Your Potential Through the Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Develop Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem
4. The Life of Pi
5. Law of Attraction
6. Blink
7. Tuesdays With Maurie
8. Five People You Meet in Heaven
18) 8 songs I could listen to over and over again: (these are my current favourites)
1. Crush - David Archuleta
2. Always Be My Baby - David Cook
3. Who Knew - P!nk
4. Waiting On The World To Change - John Mayer
5. Realize - Colbie Caillat
6. Hot N Cold - Katy Perry
7. So What - P!nk
8. Chasing Pavements - Adele
19) 8 things I learned last year:
1. I can love and be loved back.
2. I can drive on my own in long distances. (Drinking A LOT of coffee of course)
3. Find confidence in myself.
4. Dreams can come true.
5. Shopping is a bad addiction.
6. Fights are hard to avoid...
7. ...and getting people to understand your viewpoint is very difficult.
8. Independence.
20) Tag 8 people:
You, you, you, you, you, you, you and YOU! Haha...
I Can't Think of a Witty Title
My family finally purchased all the furniture we need for our house from IKEA and I am rather excited it's finally all coming together. This renovation started in January while I was still living in Windsor. We can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel with this renovation. Just minor details are needed to be worked but that can be fixed whenever. The big purchase for my room was a big closet considering I once had a built-in closet. For months, I had a HUGE hole on my wall because the closet was taken out to make more room for the adjacent bathroom. So the hole was covered with just brown paper for privacy. The house is looking better and I would be more proud to invite people over. I am still undecided if I should hold my 25th birthday at my house, but we'll see...
After making those purchases, my mom, my brother and myself headed up to Kleinberg (Vaughn area) for a wedding rehearsal. It's rather a quaint 'village' which reminded me of Streetsville, but a nicer version of it. Haha... The couple (very sweet and funny ones) will be getting married in this very small church. It's the typical kind you would see in southern towns where the church is all white and surrounded by beautiful flowers. It'll be very cramped inside but we'll manage to capture the event. The photo shoot (weather permitting of course) will be done around the street area which will be awesome. It's very picturesque and candid which I always enjoy. I always do the second angle and my family knows that's what I am mostly comfortable with, because I am under no pressure taking pictures. After the rehearsal we passed by the McMichael Gallery which I was pleasantly surprised. I have only been there once back in Gr. 9 for my Art class. It is where most of the Group of Seven's artworks are held and it's magnificent to see it in one room. After seeing where it is, I plan to go back sometime this fall. According to my brother, during the fall season, the gallery looks great with the multi-coloured trees surrounding it. So it'll be a good opportunity to take pictures and be inspired by famous artists. I just need to recruit some people to go for a little trip with me. I can name a couple already. :P
That's it for now. Until then!
How to Determine If He's A Douchebag
Seriously?! WHO finds this sexy in any form?!? And aren't women supposed to be showing their cleavages? I mean, I am not one who shows a lot of skin but I do the occasional modest cleavage show but that's how far I would go. But this douche is showing his massive man boobs! I appreciate that he's returning the favour but there's something disturbing about it as well. It's not remotely sexy or attractive. I just don't get people's taste sometimes. Some guys get it right and some just misses the target.
Am I being too judgemental or what?
Tell me what you think of the site as well.
1-2-3 and 5-6-7

The Agony of Lovers
Destination...where I started, at home.
I am also pondering if I should have done the teaching-overseas gig instead. I was pretty homesick when I was living in Windsor, which was unexpected because I really thought I could handle it. I did eventually became comfortable with the city halfway through. I just had a hard time with being away from family and friends, and not having the luxury of having them around when I needed them the most in Windsor. All is done and it was a great experience being on my own. I learned a few things about myself while I was in Windsor. I know now that I can't handle long-distance driving on my own...lol. I learned I am truly an emotional eater, hence gaining almost 20 pounds which I am doing my best shedding it off now. I've lost about almost 5 pounds so far? I learned that I really do enjoy my family's presence even at times that I need my own space. That's very contradictory but you know what I mean. I can boost my car battery now whenever it wouldn't start. I also learned that Canada is an awesome country, thanks to my OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program) and some bursaries that I didn't realize I would be receiving. It got me to where I am and every second of experience was damn worth it.
I look forward to doing some form of teaching with my p/t job as a tutor tonight. At least that will keep me busy every week from now until December. I'll be getting a second student hopefully next week to tutor on Wednesday nights. More money! Yesssssssss!...
I Will Remember You
The day started with attending a mass dedicated for Tita Myriam. Family and family friends attended, but this time it was a smaller group. Afterwards, my mom, Nanay (Tita Myriam's mother) and myself visited her grave at Glen Oaks in Oakville. At this time it was pouring so it was a little difficult just walking through the soaked grass. But luckily her site was close by so we didn't have to walk very far from the car either. We said our hellos and prayers and offered flowers. I still cannot believe that it has been two years since my aunt passed away from cancer. I still feel like she's still alive and we just haven't seen her for a little while. I still feel her presence whenever I see her immediate family and it's great warmth to know that she did leave a legacy to her family. She might night have been famous for anything, but she's famous to me because of her kindness, open heart and awesome food she always had at her house. LOL
We proceeded back to Tita Diane's house to get some lunch. She and her family prepared A LOT of Filipino and some Chinese food. It was great seeing old familiar faces and knowing that they are all getting older. Ate Rosalie (eldest daughter of Tita Myriam) is pregnant and is due in 5 weeks. ("Ate" pronounced Ah Teh - is a title we give to anyone that is a little older than yourself which you consider an older sister). I am so happy her family is growing beautifully and I hope to have a family just as happy as hers. We got to talking about boyfriends and her experience with her husband who was her only lover as well. She and my mom were able to converse on that and I just enjoyed listening to them. I briefly told her that my relationship ended because things just didn't work out between Josh and I. And of course, Ate Rosalie told me that there are plenty of fish out in the sea.
When I was with Mac, I was happy with him but there was also that part of me that was curious if there was more out there as well. Was I supposed to just end up with one guy and that's it? Before Mac, I never really dated much except for a couple of dates and that was fine. But I also wanted to see if I am capable of connecting to someone else besides Mac. I really shouldn't be writing this all out but this is my way of venting it all out because when I converse with my close friends I forget to mention certain points and I focus on the negative. I focus on his faults and why it didn't work. I think there's more to it than that. I really think Mac and I never really connected the way I had hoped for. I understood his pain and frustration in life and we connected in that aspect with our cheesy jokes, and that's where it just stopped. We never really moved beyond that. And that is where I got more and more frustrated. I always had this notion that relationships are about two people growing TOGETHER. Mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually developing together. That doesn't mean it's at the same pace and amount. But at least some form of growth together. It's like I was paddling with my boat and I had to drag Mac with me. He remains stagnant and puts very little effort into paddling our boats together. That was wearing me thin emotionally. It didn't help that we both don't have the same religious belief. Which to be honest, I was fine initially because I knew he did believe in A God. However, it's like we didn't see eye to eye of what God provides for us. He sees God as the enemy and I was the opposite. His family was another problem that just disappointed me. Every time I came up to visit Josh I obviously would see his family. I always get excited because a family is a way to knowing Josh's past. But with his family, communication and love doesn't seem to exist at all. This is totally opposite to what I have at home. I always felt out of place and unwelcoming whenever I came over. I don't and never asked much from his family except for a little respect, in which I didn't even receive. It scared me that if I ever married Mac I would marry the family too. I had always wanted an extended family. I am Filipino, of course it's in our culture to have large families. I like seeing people, I like keeping in touch with people and I also like to build a relationship with other families.
I need to cut this rant short for now because I could go on some more if I don't stop. The bottom line is, we were growing apart and we were starting to become two different people that were not growing together. I loved him and I still care for him. I still would like to be friends with him. But I have this gut feeling we won't get back together anymore. I believe he will eventually meet someone else as well and he will be happy with her. He taught me how to love and not to feel afraid of becoming emotionally vulnerable, and he will always have a place in my heart.
I am going to continue with this journey of finding myself in this world and find that "soulmate" that I believe I am meant to be with...
I just chose the ones that struck me, which was an abridged version of his "Last Lecture" talk on Oprah...
- “I don’t choose to be an object of pity.”
- “Experience is what you get, when you don’t get what you want.”
- “Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things.”
- “Decide if you’re Tigger or Eeyore.”
- “Live with integrity.”
- “A good apology has three parts: 1. I’m sorry! 2. It was my fault! 3. How do I make it right?”
- “Wait long enough and people WILL show you their good side. Be patient.”
- “Show gratitude.”
- “Don’t complain; just work harder.”
- “If you live your life the right way, the Karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you.”
BREATHE - Michelle Branch
I've been driving for an hour
Just talking to the rain
You say I've been driving you crazy
and its keeping you away
So just give me one good reason
Tell me why I should stay
'Cause I dont wanna waste another moment
in saying things we never meant to say
And I Take it just a little bit
I, hold my breath and count to ten
I, I've been waiting for a chance to let you in
If I just breathe
Let it fill the space between
I'll know everything is alright
Every little piece of me
You'll see
Everything is alright
If I just breathe
Well it's all so overrated
In not saying how you feel
So you end up watching chances fade
And wondering what's real
And I Give you just a little time
I, Wonder if you realize
I've been waiting till I see it in your eyes
If I just breathe
Let it fill the space between
I'll know everything is alright
Every little piece of me
You'll see
Everything is alright
If I just breathe
So I whisper in the dark,
Hoping you hear me
Do you hear me?
If I just breathe
Let it fill the space between
I'll know everything is alright
Every little piece of me
You'll see
Everything is alright
Everything is alright if i just breathe... breathe
I've been driving for an hour
Just talking to the rain
Well as always, it's the only topic I could never really figure out and it seems this journal has a theme about finding love.
Carrie Bradshaw-ish type of search? I think not. It's most likely going to be a PG version.

Annie and Ethan talking after Naomi found out Ethan cheated on her. I like this blue dress Annie wore at Naomi's party which she was "disinvinted" from. LOL
I'll do my best to watch these new and returning shows such as Ugly Betty and actually keep up with it. We will see!
The show had a good mixture of songs that I would listen to. And I was pleasantly surprised when they played one of Adele's song called "Chasing Pavements". It's a beautiful sad song.
Just A Little Bit...
Cute song and weirdly enough it's something I can relate to right now.
What?!? So soon???
Things are coming up Milhouse!
I have a free dance lesson from this company called Blue Heel Dance Studio in a couple of hours. They offer a free 30 mins. dance lesson from the dance instructor. I'm excited because I've been looking for a nice place that offers good dancing lessons. I hope it won't be too pricey as well. My mom will be joining me after her work just to watch. She's the one that's really been searching for a place but I'm doing this lesson on behalf of her just to see if it's worth going to. We shall see!
Is it for real?
I'm enjoying David Archuleta's first song called "Crush". Anyone and everyone can relate to it and I'm loving it!
It's my favourite song at the moment!
CRUSH ~ David Archuleta
I hung up the phone tonight,
Something happened for the first time, deep inside
It was a rush, what a rush
Cause the possibility that you would ever
Feel the same way about me
It’s just too much .. just too much
Why do I keep running from the truth
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized, and I just got to know
Do you ever think, when you’re all alone
All that we could be, Where this thing could go
Am I crazy or falling in love
Is it really just another crush
Do you catch a breath, when I look at you
Are you holding back, like the way I do
Cause I’m trying, try to walk away
But I know this crush ain’t going away, going away
Has it ever crossed your mind when we were hanging
Spending time girl, are we just friends
Is there more, is there more
See it’s a chance we’ve gotta take
Cause I believe we can make this into
Something that will last, last forever, forever
Do you ever think, when you’re all alone
All that we could be, Where this thing could go
Am I crazy or falling in love
Is it really just another crush
Do you catch a breath, when I look at you
Are you holding back, like the way I do
Cause I’m trying, try to walk away
But I know this crush ain’t going away, going away
Why do I keep running from the truth
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized
And I just got to know
Do you ever think, when you’re all alone
All that we could be, Where this thing could go
Am I crazy or falling in love
Is it really just another crush
Do you catch a breath, when I look at you
Are you holding back, like the way I do
Cause I’m trying, try to walk away
But I know this crush ain’t going away, going away
There were a lot of ups and downs that had happened during my teacher's college year, but in the end I took it in as an experience for my personal and also my professional life. I never really noticed it until someone told me, but I did grow up a little bit more. It was the independence that I needed to experience and it showed me that I am capable of taking care of myself. I had a good close knit of friends that I made at school who were also on the same boat as me. And of course my friends from home to remind me that I am not alone in this journey. It also made me appreciate how much I missed my family's presence as well. And in a sense, I became a little bit closer to my family as well.
I developed a greater respect for teachers and educators in general. Teaching is not a joke. I actually enjoy teaching in general and not just for Art anymore. And I say this all the time, but if I went back about 10 years ago and saw myself now, I wouldn't believe it for a second. I was always (still is) the shy, quiet, polite girl who just sat on her chair and dreaded doing public speeches. But at the same time, I needed to conquer that fear being in front of a crowd. I have a faced a few other fears when it came to teaching. And everyday, I am developing the confidence that I always wanted to have, which I saw in the other great teachers I've had in the past.
I embrace the challenges that teaching will throw at me and face it with a smile and determination. And I look forward to what else will unfold for me in other aspects of my life...
I have signed up to numerous blogs (i.e. Livejournal, Asian Avenue, and etc.), but I think I just need a fresh start with putting my thoughts down somewhere.
I have no clue what this blog will be mainly about, but I guess just like my other blog it will be about my life experiences.