
11 Years Later

Funny thing to run into is my former elementary school principal, Mr. Hughes. I always remembered him as a Col. Sanders look-alike but minus the white suit. LOL I recognized him at Chisholm, acting as one of my Supervisors. I saw him last week but it didn't dawn on me until tonight that he was my former principal. After my teaching session, I ran into him again and asked if he was the principal at St. Francis of Assisi. If you want to make a person feel old, this would be one of them. I told him that I graduated from that school in 1997 and told him my name again as well. He politely tried to remember who I was. We talked of the teachers that were there and which teacher I had in Gr. 8.

It was actually nice to see one of the staff from that school because I did enjoy my time at St. Francis. I don't exactly keep in touch with any of the kids from that school anymore, aside from Facebook. This might be a good sign for me because his wife is the current principal of one of the schools in Clarkson. He was telling me that she had to conduct 68 interviews for a job position in her school. I did apply for that position but with the teaching positions being sparse right now, everyone is fighting for it. Mr. Hughes was nice enough to offer of updating me in terms of teaching positions. Connections are GOLD!

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