
1-2-3 and 5-6-7

There's nothing more exhilerating than dancing. Well, there are other things I can think of but dancing is on top of my list.
As I've mentioned before I am taking private dance lessons from an instructor. In two sessions we have covered Salsa and he just introduced the Cha-cha tonight. My mom walked in at the end where we were just reviewing all of the steps of the Cha-cha. She got really excited and asked us to perform for her. I forgot how scary it is to perform in front of my mom. Eek. After a few slip-ups from being nervous I did my best to show her what I have learned so far. She nonetheless was impressed and signed up for her own lessons. We'll be going back this Friday for her first lesson and my third lesson. I am super excited because I will no longer be moping and hoping at weddings because I will know how to do ballroom and latin dances. But of course, practice makes perfect, right? And it's a pretty darn good way to lose some weight! I can only imagine what the Dancing with the Stars contestants had to go through. But they sure made it look fun! :D

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