
My Choice

I don't like starting the day feeling bothered about something. I still have a choice to get over things that bother me, but it still bothers me that the issue bothers me. Say that five times fast? lol

But again, I have control over my feelings. I get annoyed easily but I can also easily get over it with some rationalizing and maybe discussing the issue with the person to clear the air.

I'll get over it.



It just keeps getting better and I couldn't ask for anything more. :)

Jason Mraz's song Lucky, featuring Colbie Caillat is very suitable song to dedicate to this post.

Lucky - Jason Mraz ft Colbie Caillat from Jam Nguyen on Vimeo.


You and Me

Still learning everyday...


Each Passing Day

Each passing day I learn more because I'm with you.