
Antivirus XP 2008

So the remainder of my Sunday night consisted of me doing some lesson planning for my tutoring job and downloading tunes. Long and behold after stacking up on some Taylor Swift (which has grown on me thanks to some gushing from the D) and Marie Digby songs, a random message pops up on my screen indicating to me that my "computer is at risk". I have to be honest, I am not the most computer savvy and careful user as well. I download anything and everything that I think is interesting. So for a little while I thought Windows is just asking me to update my antivirus-thingamajig-program because my version is old or a 'phony'. But NOOoooooo...this stupid pop-up message just kept showing up telling me that 3080-ish files are infected and I must use the Antivirus XP 2008 program to remove these infected files. I didn't know what to do and was getting nervous/frustrated because I really didn't want to lose my files for the second time (my computer crashed just last summer). That was devastating because I lost so many picture files thanks to my carelessness.

So as any clueless user would do, I researched on how to remove this Antivirus XP 2008. I learned that it is a Trojan Virus that creeps up into your computer by attaching itself through other files such e-mail attachments, peer-to-peer, and other file sharing methods. There were numerous methods of removing the virus by either doing it manually (only do this if you know your computer inside and out) or using some spyware program that's for free. I used a program called Malawarebytes (free download at http://www.download.com/) and this will save your computer. I just did it a few minutes ago and my computer is back to normal (I hope).

I can't say stop downloading files from websites or opening e-mail attachments because sometimes you may think it is safe, but really it's not. So the lesson for today is: protect, do your research AND always back-up your computer. Take care of your computers!
(Why did that sound like a paid advertisement? lol)

It's late and I just wanted to sleep...so I will now. G'night!


DGN said...

Good thing you checked!
So you like the Taylor Swift huh? Told you!

Ms. Banana said...


My faithful (only) reader. lol
Yeah, I was really annoyed that happened and it took a couple of hours to figure out how to get rid of that darn thing.

I didn't realize Swift's huge in the country music industry. You should check out Marie Digby as well!