
Zoom Zoom Zoom!

I finally got my new car!
He's beautiful in every shape and form.

I'll miss my old '91 Dodge Shadow for the road trips I did from Windsor to home and vice-versa. After years of driving that car, it made me appreciate how lucky I was to have a running car. But HELLOOOO Mazda 3!!! :D


DGN said...

Funny similarity.

The first time I took friends in my RAV4 was for Melissa's surprise party. That night Gordon and me purchased her a chair shaped like a hand. Getting it to Mel's place was crazy, and it had to go in the back of my car. Cut to 5 years later and we did almost the same with your car and the Pele picture. Just sayin'!

Ms. Banana said...

Oddly enough, our lives are too parallel at different times. Nonetheless, It amuses me. :P

I'm just glad we were able to fit that picture!

DGN said...

Me too. I actually had a lot of fun this weekend. Meeting a couple new people would have been nice. Oh well, some other time. Perhaps this Friday. Oh wait, riiite, you weren't invited to that :P