
Are You Enjoying Your 20s?

I have discussed this with a few good friends, and it seems to be a consensus to it: being in your 20s is more awkward than your teen years. It is true because this is a stage where you're starting your career, searching for your soul mate and also in the process of finding your own true self. And to top that off, you're broke! We all go to parties and pretend we're having the best time but really, our 20s kind of suck. I don't want to say I want my 20s to be over, because I promised myself I would enjoy it while I'm still in it. I am only hopeful that physics doesn't toy with me and only bring me up from this roller coaster decade. No more downward spiralling please!

1 comment:

DGN said...

While I agree with your comments about the 20s being a tad more awkward than your teens, I don't think it is all doom and gloom. Your teen years are about finding yourself and your niche. Some people find it faster than others and thats why they enjoy so much. I think the same is for your 20s. Finding your routine, and finding out who you are as an adult. Everything is what you make of it. I think we're just lucky we have more time to make something off of it, rather than be forced to grow up as fast as maybe our folks did. I'm just saying, is all :P