
Timing Is Everything

Did anyone enjoy last night's 90210 episode? I did. That show is very reminiscent of one of my other favourite shows, The O.C. It has that same vibe and drama to it.

If I could take pointers from one of the characters, it would be Silver. She's unique and direct with people. She can speak her mind and almost get what she wants. I quite enjoyed her coyness towards Dixon. I can't do that to a guy but I could take pointers from her.

As for Annie and Ethan. It is very similar to what Marissa and Ryan (from the O.C.) had going for. They could never be together for longer than two episodes (I don't know how long that is in the t.v. world) without some drama to tear them apart. And look what happened in Season three?! But that's more drama with the actor than with the characters they played.

My question is, would timing be everything to a relationship between friends? We don't necessarily know if Annie and Ethan ever dated two years before they ran into 90210, but they certainly have that chemistry that we all want with someone we're attracted to. Ethan has a history with Naomi and she's in need of a friend with her current situation at home. Annie is just confused because Ty was being a jerk and Ethan is being wishy-washy with his intentions towards her. But this is a t.v. show, I am over analyzing it because I have no life right now. Or I am just questioning my own mini drama which is really not even a drama. But it certainly makes life interesting, right?

We'll just have to see...for what will happen with Annie and Ethan of course! :P


What he says is true...

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